The KF730 Series is a compact line array system that sets a performance benchmark above similar systems. It delivers 3-way, KF Series performance in a flexible, easy-to-use system that can deliver concert-level output in an exceptionally wide range of venues.
The KF730 is an excellent compact line array solution for applications such as houses of worship, corporate A/V, theatres, hotel ballrooms, and concert halls. The system is also ideal for supplemental coverage for larger line arrays, such as the KF760 Series. Such uses include audience side fill, stage lip fill, delayed arrays for balconies, and stage/performer coverage.
One large MF/HF horn fills the entire face of the enclosure, better maintaining horizontal pattern control throughout the MF/HF passband. The curved aperture MF loading slots effectively move the MF acoustic origin further into the horn than physical space permits. The side-mounted LF drivers provide a forward-firing, figure eight type pattern. The drivers are spaced so that the LF beamwidth matches the MF through crossover.
The KF730s are sized to truck-pack friendly dimensions. The rigging system is fully compatible with the companion SB730 subwoofer.